
Lust and Chastity

These guys are a final for Dan Krall's class. I still feel like I haven't figured out how I want to draw the figure and faces, but I feel like with these I'm getting closer. I wish I had more time to focus on the lettering, but I've been trying to work faster/looser with my lettering so maybe it's successful in that sense!
Ladies are wearing Martin Maison Margiela's amazingly weird wig coats and sitting on Eames molded plywood and Barnes&Barnes chairs.


  1. Love the eames chair and the foreground lady sitting on it. I think you resolved her figure well, and her shoes!

  2. Thanks, Kali! That piece is definitely the best of the two ;)

  3. These are just so beautiful! I love them! and I also love your business cards above. Must have been a lot of work, but it was worth it!

  4. miss jen,
    i just wanted to be brave and tell you, that your stuff is simply adorable,
    and you are a very talented and quirky artist, and should be sooo proud of your beautiful creations! I'm totally jealous that you have dan krall
    as a teacher(?) his stuff rocks indefinitely.

    have fun being wonderful, and thankyou for sharing your loveliness with the world x
